Really fed up with unsuccessful house sale now. I know it's slow but I'm having more doubts than usual about our agent. He ALWAYS makes mistakes in his paperwork. I suggested he change the price to 319000 to make it sound better - he agreed but kept it at 320 in our expensive ad with Price Reduced across the top. A little thing but they mount up and he rarely gets things 100% right. Now that our bulk advertising fund from the auction has run out, we have to pay $118 to have the ad in the Property Guide each week so I'm putting a stop to that. He can advertise the time and place for free in the Rotorua list of open homes but whether that will get people in to see the house is questionable. We'll see.
But the good thing is that my students from last year did quite well in their exams. I'm kind of surprised how very much it matters to me. I'm especially pleased with a couple of the media studies standards. In my last year, the kids get the best results!
Car buying is going ahead - maybe this week. Turners Auctions in Tauranga have a repo 2002 Toyota Rav which they expect to go for about $10,000. It's beautiful but has been superficially knocked around. If we can get it cheap enough and we're not outbidded... The insurance company has been very generous and we are getting 15,000 for our smashed car so ...
But we have to do our sums - it's not registered, has a stuffed battery and will need some touchups.
Getting fitter - lots of walking - but also fatter - lots of eating. Need to increase the first and decrease the second ...
Picture is of a similar car to the repo Rav.