Had to fill in a form at doctor's today. For occupation, I nearly put, "domestic goddess". when teaching had me in its grip lost all interest in cooking but yesterday I did a lamb roast with garlic and rosemary and today I made a very passable banana cake with the overripe fruit.
I still haven't learnt how to use our new camera very well but caught a thrush on the neighbour's chimney this morning. I got up early because I have a rib sprain from a traffic accident we had on the 22nd. An Indian (no English) driver went though a stop sign and wrecked our car and his. At first we thought we had no injuries but the jolt to back which was a very minor pain turned to a major pain over the last few days - now okay because I've had it diagnosed and treated with a lovely difluonac painliller. Thoracic sprain. glad I didn't break a rib. We got off lightly.
We are a little stressed about not selling the house - someone came though on Xmas Eve - but Xmas has taken our mind off it.
Now we are going to brave the shopocalypse to see if I can buy some books in the 25% off!
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