Gawd - it's hard to keep going now my mental and emotional teaching engine has run out of fuel. My fuel was enthusiasm, drive and commitment - it's gone - all gone.
Photo is of Jackson Park 5 minutes from here. Each year the cherry bloosoms in a long double line of trees make a curious pink smudge against the sky. It's weird. This isn't the best pic but the mixture of hanging bark from the Australian gum the northern hemisphere cherries and NZ cabbage trees makes a picture I can relate to right now.
Couldn't settle this weekend. Worried futilely about the two junior classes to teach tomorrow while the seniors are at exams. Could not make my self do my research marking although I did print out some copies of a mark sheet.
Courage is what it will take- a stout heart and a stern telling off - to myself.
Saw Rain of the Children - hmmmm - good images and liked his narration (until last choked words) but the holus bolus acceptance of Maori spirituality was something that I found hard to swallow. Enjoyed most of it though.
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