Only three more mournful Mondays to go - tomorrow and the two after Labour weekend. My Mondays have been diabolical this year - house group, four classes (don't have my best class on Mondays) and then lunchtime duty and then a non-contact in which I am usually too tired to be very productive and then - very often a staff meeting. With my other responsibilities, it's quite a heavy day and hangs over me (or used to - I don't care much anymore) all Sunday. Then on Tuesday I have an identical day but with my best class first and without my most difficult class. It's not til Thursday and Friday that the pace lets up a bit.
Tomorrow I have offered to do some scholarship coaching while someone takes my house group so it'll be an even busier day. But I think I'll get through all right because my attitude is that it just doesn't matter so much as it used to. If I perform badly - well - too bad! (I really want at least one of our kids to get a schol though - it would be a nice legacy.)
We have been flat-out streamlining and tidying our house for the official launch of the auction campaign tomorrow. It's been fun but exhausting and really - it's all I want to do. I helped very little while Allen demolished our worn out bed settee that not one 2nd hand delaer woud touch and we couldn't get it out of the house, Too heavy. I rememver Levenes delivering it 8 years ago via the veranda - soemthing we could NOT do. We took it in bits like a dismembered body to the dump but I put the almost unused foam mattress under the sheets on our spare double bed. It now looks surreally high like the bed of the Princess and the Pea. Looks good though, I think.
Picture today is an oyster catcher from Whangarei's Ocean Beach
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