No school work in last few days! Such a change from my normal obsessive preparation surprises even me.
But I've thrown all my energy into tidying up the house - painting even - for the market onslaught. The photographer is returning tomorrow; all the agents will do a walk-through soon after and the sign will go up too. No open homes for almost 2 weeks but there COULD be someone through and so firm is our decision to move up north that we desperately want to sell.
I was so disappointed with the last pics that I took a few myself today. On this blog is a photo of the main bedroom. We have cheap and nasty bedding but I borrowed my best cushions from the lounge and covered the bed with a fluffy throw I somehow acquired a few years ago. It's a great room - I'm not being deceptive - I've just been too mean to buy expensive quilts etc and we usually have a mountain of books and untidy belongings on each side of the bed anyway.
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