Monday, January 6, 2014

Back to business

While I'm not totally heartless and feel sorry for people who have to go back to work this week, I enormously glad that the statutory holiday period is over. It's horrible getting sick on a Friday when nothing can be done till Monday but even worse to get diagnosed on Xmas Eve when there's an almost two week wait for info and action if your case isn't immediately life threatening. 

I lined up the business cards for the surgeon, his receptionist at his private clinic and the nurse specialist at ORL, Auckland City. By the third phone call I struck it lucky and got the information I needed; in fact the hospital was going to ring me or send me appointments in the near future. I'll see the Multi-Disciplinary Panel on 17 January as long as I can get the CT scan in by then. 

I also asked them to email me the pathology report. It was very technical but it sounds like an early cancer just on the turn from pre-cancer to malignancy. That means it won't have spread but also that it will have to come out. This leaves me with the horrible surgery but without the worry of a spread elsewhere. I feel more empowered now to get on with my life. 

And it's funny about that Xmas/New Year hiatus. Have always disliked them because I like routine and the full services that the modern world can offer on radio, television and shops as well as in medical centres. It's hard to accept that the people who run these services need a break:)

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